Source code for bouter.utilities

import numpy as np
from numba import jit
from typing import Tuple
from scipy import signal, linalg
from itertools import product
import pandas as pd
import math

[docs]def merge_bouts(bouts, min_dist): bouts = list(bouts) i = 1 while i < len(bouts) - 1: current_dist = bouts[i+1][0] - bouts[i][1] if current_dist < min_dist: bout_after_to_merge = bouts.pop(i+1) bouts[i][1] = bout_after_to_merge[1] else: i += 1 return np.array(bouts)
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def extract_segments_above_threshold( trace, threshold=0.1, min_length=20, min_between=25, break_segment_on_nan=True, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Extract periods from a trace where it's value is above threshold. The segments also can have a minimal length. Used for extracting bouts from vigor or velocity :param trace: vigor or velocity :param threshold: minimal value to be considered moving :param min_length: minimal number of samples of continuous movement :param min_between: minimal number of samples between two crossings :param break_segment_on_nan: if a NaN is encountered, it breaks the segment :return: segments: start and end indices of the segments above threshold connected: for each segment, whether it is connected to the previous. Segments are considered connected if there were no NaN values in the trace. """ segments = [] in_segment = False start = 0 connected = [] continuity = False # we start at the first possible time to detect the threshold crossing # (because the pad_before period has to be always included) i = 1 i_last_segment_ended = 0 while i < trace.shape[0] - min_between: # 3 cases where the state can change # we encountered a NaN (breaks continuity) if np.isnan(trace[i]): continuity = False if in_segment and break_segment_on_nan: in_segment = False # segment has ended and a positive threshold crossing has been found elif ( i > i_last_segment_ended and trace[i - 1] < threshold < trace[i] and not in_segment ): in_segment = True start = i # a negative threshold crossing has been found while # we are inside a segment: elif trace[i - 1] > threshold > trace[i] and in_segment: in_segment = False if i - start > min_length: segments.append((start, i)) i_last_segment_ended = i + min_between if continuity: connected.append(True) else: connected.append(False) continuity = True # in all other cases the state cannot change i += 1 return np.array(segments), np.array(connected)
[docs]def log_dt(log_df, i_start=10, i_end=110): return np.mean(np.diff(log_df.t[i_start:i_end]))
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def revert_segment_filling(fixed_mat, revert_pts): """ Revert the filling of a tail segments matrix. Provided a data matrix and array with the numbers of segments to be reverted at each timepoint, this function will reset the previously-filled values to NaNs. :param fixed_mat: Data matrix (timepoints x n_segments) with the tail tracking data. :param revert_pts: Array (timepoints) registering how many segments were filled for each timepoint. :return: """ # As they can be saved as uint8: int_pts = revert_pts.astype(np.int8) for i in range(len(int_pts)): if int_pts[i] > 0: fixed_mat[i, -int_pts[i] :] = np.nan return fixed_mat
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def n_missing_segments(tail_angle_mat): n_t, n_segments = tail_angle_mat.shape n_missing = np.zeros(n_t, dtype=np.uint8) for i in range(n_t): for i_seg in range(n_segments): if np.isnan(tail_angle_mat[i, i_seg]): n_missing[i] = n_segments - i_seg break return n_missing
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def fill_out_segments(tail_angle_mat, continue_curvature=0, revert_pts=None): """Fills out NaN values in a tail-tracking data matrix. Filling can consist on propagating the angle of the last tracked segment (continue_curvature=0) or on simulating the tail curvature by linearly-extrapolating the curvature of the last continue_curvature tracked segments. :param tail_angle_mat: Data matrix (timepoints x n_segments) with the tail tracking data. :param continue_curvature: Number of previous segments used for extrapolating curvature of each NaN segment. :return: """ n_t, n_segments = tail_angle_mat.shape # If needed, revert previous filling (this could be done more efficiently # modifying later loop instead) if revert_pts is not None: tail_angle_mat = revert_segment_filling(tail_angle_mat, revert_pts) # To keep track of segments missing for every time point: n_segments_missing = np.zeros(n_t, dtype=np.uint8) # Fill in segments for i_t in range(tail_angle_mat.shape[0]): # If last value is nan... if np.isnan(tail_angle_mat[i_t, -1]): # ...loop over segments from the beginning... for i_seg in range(n_segments): # ...the first nan value marks where tail was interrupted, so if np.isnan(tail_angle_mat[i_t, i_seg]): # 1) write how many we miss in n_segments_missing: if n_segments_missing[i_t] == 0: n_segments_missing[i_t] = n_segments - i_seg # 2) Extrapolate: if ( continue_curvature > 0 and i_seg > continue_curvature + 1 ): # a) if we have at least continue_curvature+1 points # and we want to interpolate from continue_curvature # samples: previous_tail_curvature = np.diff( tail_angle_mat[ i_t, i_seg - continue_curvature : i_seg, ] ) deviation = np.mean(previous_tail_curvature) else: # b) if we don't want to interpolate, we propagate the # last value without additions: deviation = 0 # write new values to array inplace: tail_angle_mat[i_t, i_seg] = ( tail_angle_mat[i_t, i_seg - 1] + deviation ) return tail_angle_mat, n_segments_missing
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def nan_isolated(thetas): thetas_out = thetas.copy() for j in range(thetas_out.shape[1]): for i in range(1, thetas_out.shape[0] - 1): if np.isnan(thetas_out[i - 1, j]) and np.isnan( thetas_out[i + 1, j] ): thetas_out[i, j] = np.nan return thetas_out
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def mean_smooth(array, wnd): output = array.copy() for i in range(wnd, array.shape[0] - wnd): output[i] = np.nanmean(output[i - wnd : i + wnd]) return output
[docs]def predictive_tail_fill( thetas, smooth_wnd=1, max_taildiff=np.pi / 2, start_from=4, fit_timepts=5, fit_tailpts=4, ): thetas -= np.median(thetas[:, 0]) n_pts = thetas.shape[0] n_seg = thetas.shape[1] # Set to nan points with a suspect derivative: diff = np.concatenate([np.zeros((1, n_seg)), np.diff(thetas, axis=0)]) too_deviating = np.abs(diff) > max_taildiff thetas[too_deviating] = np.nan thetas = nan_isolated(thetas) # smooth initial tail segments: for i in range(start_from): thetas[:, i] = mean_smooth(thetas[:, i], smooth_wnd) # Fitting loop: for i in range(start_from, n_seg): # First smooth previous thetas: thetas[:, i - 1] = mean_smooth(thetas[:, i - 1], smooth_wnd) # Find indexes to fix: i_to_fix = np.argwhere(np.isnan(thetas[:, i]))[:, 0] if len(i_to_fix) > 0: i_to_fit = np.argwhere(~np.isnan(thetas[:, i]))[:, 0] # Reorganize thetas, to use previous fit_timepts timepoints # and previous fit_tailpts segments for the fit # we need a (timepts, fit_timepts * fit_tailpts) matrix: theta_predict = [ thetas[np.arange(n_pts) - t, i - s] for t, s in product(range(fit_timepts), range(1, fit_tailpts)) ] theta_predict_res = np.column_stack( theta_predict + [np.ones(n_pts)] ) # Linear fit with least squares: C, _, _, _ = linalg.lstsq( theta_predict_res[i_to_fit, :], thetas[i_to_fit, i] ) # Predict the nan values: thetas[i_to_fix, i] = theta_predict_res[i_to_fix, :] @ C # smooth last angle: thetas[:, i] = mean_smooth(thetas[:, i], smooth_wnd) return thetas
[docs]def calc_vel(dx, t): """ Calculates velocities from deltas and times, skipping over duplicated times Parameters ---------- dx the differences in the parameter t times at which the parameter was sampled Returns ------- t_vel, vel """ dt = np.diff(t) duplicate_t = dt == 0 vel = dx[~duplicate_t] / dt[~duplicate_t] t_vel = t[1:][~duplicate_t] return t_vel, vel
[docs]def bandpass(timeseries, dt, f_min=12, f_max=62, n_taps=9, axis=0): """ Bandpass filtering used for tail motion, filters out unphysical frequencies for the fish tail :param timeseries: :param dt: :param f_min: :param f_max: :param n_taps: :return: """ cfilt = signal.firwin(n_taps, [f_min, f_max], pass_zero=False, fs=1 / dt) return signal.filtfilt(cfilt, 1, timeseries, axis=axis)
[docs]def crop(traces, events, **kwargs): """Apply cropping functions defined below depending on the dimensionality of the input (one cell or multiple cells). If input is pandas Series or DataFrame, it strips out the values first. :param traces: 1 (n_timepoints) or 2D (n_timepoints X n_cells) array, pd.Series or pd.DataFrame with cells as columns. :param args: see _crop_trace and _crop_block args :param kwargs: see _crop_trace and _crop_block args :return: """ if isinstance(traces, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(traces, pd.Series): traces = traces.values if isinstance(events, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(events, pd.Series): events = events.values.flatten().astype( if len(traces.shape) == 1: return _crop_trace(traces, events, **kwargs) elif len(traces.shape) == 2: return _crop_block(traces, events, **kwargs) else: raise TypeError("traces matrix must be at most 2D!")
@jit(nopython=True) def _crop_trace(trace, events, pre_int=20, post_int=30, dwn=1): """ Crop the trace around specified events in a window given by parameters. :param trace: trace to be cropped :param events: events around which to crop :param pre_int: interval to crop before the event, in points :param post_int: interval to crop after the event, in points :param dwn: downsampling (default=1 i.e. no downsampling) :return: events x n_points numpy array """ # Avoid problems with spikes at the borders: valid_events = (events > pre_int) & (events < len(trace) - post_int) mat = np.zeros((int((pre_int + post_int) / dwn), events.shape[0])) for i, s in enumerate(events): if valid_events[i]: cropped = trace[s - pre_int : s + post_int : dwn].copy() mat[: len(cropped), i] = cropped return mat @jit(nopython=True) def _crop_block(traces_block, events, pre_int=20, post_int=30, dwn=1): """ Crop a block of traces :param traces_block: trace to be cropped (n_timepoints X n_cells) :param events: events around which to crop :param pre_int: interval to crop before the event, in points :param post_int: interval to crop after the event, in points :param dwn: downsampling (default=1 i.e. no downsampling) :return: events x n_points numpy array """ n_timepts = traces_block.shape[0] n_cells = traces_block.shape[1] # Avoid problems with spikes at the borders: valid_events = events[(events > pre_int) & (events < n_timepts - post_int)] mat = np.full((int((pre_int + post_int) / dwn), events.shape[0], n_cells), np.nan) for i, s in enumerate(events): if valid_events[i]: cropped = traces_block[s - pre_int : s + post_int : dwn, :].copy() mat[: len(cropped), i, :] = cropped return mat
[docs]def resample(df_in, resample_sec=0.005, fromzero=True): """ Parameters ---------- df_in : resample_sec : Returns ------- """ # TODO: probably everything should be interpolated nicely instead of resampled... df = df_in.copy() # Cut out negative times points if required: if fromzero: df = df[df["t"] > 0] t_index = pd.to_timedelta(df["t"].values, unit="s") df.set_index(t_index, inplace=True) df = df.resample("{}ms".format(int(resample_sec * 1000))).mean() df.index = df.index.total_seconds() return df.interpolate().drop("t", axis=1)
[docs]def polynomial_tail_coefficients(segments, n_max_missing=7, degree=3): """ Fits a polynomial to the bout shape :param n_max_missing: :param degree: the polynomial degree :return: """ segments -= segments[:, :1] n_max_missing = min(segments.shape[1] - degree, n_max_missing) # the Stytra tail tracking introduces NaNs at breaking point # a situation number - NaN - number never occurs in tracking n_missing = n_missing_segments(segments) poly_coefs = np.zeros((segments.shape[0], degree + 1)) line_points = np.linspace(0, 1, segments.shape[1]) for i_missing in range(n_max_missing + 1): sel_time = n_missing == i_missing poly_coefs[sel_time, :] = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit( line_points[: segments.shape[1] - i_missing], segments[sel_time, : segments.shape[1] - i_missing].T, degree, ).T return poly_coefs
[docs]def polynomial_tailsum(poly_coefs): return np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(1, poly_coefs.T, False)
[docs]def reliability(data_block): """ Function to calculate reliability of cell responses. Reliability is defined as the average of the across-trials correlation. This measure seems to generally converge after a number of 7-8 repetitions, so it is advisable to have such a repetition number to use it. :param data_block: block of cell responses (t x n_trials x n_cells) :return: """ n_cells = data_block.shape[2] reliability = np.zeros(n_cells) for i in range(n_cells): cell_data = data_block[:, :, i] corr = fast_corrcoef(cell_data.T) np.fill_diagonal(corr, np.nan) reliability[i] = np.nanmean(corr) return reliability
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def fast_pearson(x, y): """ Calculate correlation between two data series, excluding nan values. :param x: first array :param y: second array :return: pearson correlation """ selection = ~np.isnan(x) & ~np.isnan(y) if not selection.any(): return np.nan x = x[selection] y = y[selection] n = len(x) s_xy = 0.0 s_x = 0.0 s_y = 0.0 s_x2 = 0.0 s_y2 = 0.0 for i in range(n): s_xy += x[i] * y[i] s_x += x[i] s_y += y[i] s_x2 += x[i] ** 2 s_y2 += y[i] ** 2 denominator = math.sqrt((s_x2 - (s_x ** 2) / n) * (s_y2 - (s_y ** 2) / n)) if denominator == 0: return 0 return (s_xy - s_x * s_y / n) / denominator
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def fast_corrcoef(mat): n = mat.shape[0] corrmat = np.zeros((n, n)) for i in range(n): for j in range(i, n): corrmat[i, j] = fast_pearson(mat[i, :], mat[j, :]) corrmat[j, i] = corrmat[i, j] return corrmat