Source code for bouter.embedded

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from bouter import utilities, decorators, bout_stats
from bouter import Experiment

[docs]class EmbeddedExperiment(Experiment): @property def n_tail_segments(self): try: return self["behavior"]["tail"]["n_segments"] except KeyError: return self["tracking+tail_tracking"]["n_output_segments"] @property def tail_columns(self): """Return names of columns with tracking data from all tracked segments. Careful, the array is not copied! """ return [f"theta_{i:02}" for i in range(self.n_tail_segments)]
[docs] @decorators.cache_results(cache_filename="behavior_log") def reconstruct_missing_segments(self, continue_curvature=None): segments = self.behavior_log.loc[:, self.tail_columns].values.copy() if "missing_n" in self.behavior_log.columns: revert_pts = self.behavior_log["missing_n"].values else: revert_pts = None # Revert if possible if continue_curvature is None: if continue_curvature is None: if revert_pts is not None: fixed_segments = utilities.revert_segment_filling( segments, revert_pts=revert_pts, ) self.behavior_log.loc[:, self.tail_columns] = fixed_segments # Otherwise, use the parameter to do the filling: else: fixed_segments, missing_n = utilities.fill_out_segments( segments, continue_curvature=continue_curvature, revert_pts=revert_pts, ) self.behavior_log.loc[:, self.tail_columns] = fixed_segments self.behavior_log["missing_n"] = missing_n return self.behavior_log
[docs] @decorators.cache_results() def polynomial_tail_coefficients(self, n_max_missing=7, degree=3): """ Fits a polynomial to the bout shape :param n_max_missing: :param degree: the polynomial degree :return: """ segments = self.behavior_log.loc[:, self.tail_columns].values poly_coefs = utilities.polynomial_tail_coefficients( segments, n_max_missing=n_max_missing, degree=degree ) return poly_coefs
[docs] @decorators.cache_results() def polynomial_tailsum(self): return utilities.polynomial_tailsum( self.polynomial_tail_coefficients() )
[docs] @decorators.cache_results(cache_filename="behavior_log") def compute_vigor( self, vigor_duration_s=0.05, use_polynomial_tailsum=False ): """Compute vigor, the proxy of embedded fish forward velocity, a standard deviation calculated on a rolling window of tail curvature. Add it as a column to the dataframe log and return the full dataframe :param vigor_duration: standard deviation window length in seconds :return: """ vigor_win = int(vigor_duration_s / self.behavior_dt) tailsum = ( pd.Series(self.polynomial_tailsum()) if use_polynomial_tailsum else self.behavior_log["tail_sum"] ) self.behavior_log["vigor"] = ( tailsum.interpolate().rolling(vigor_win, center=True).std() ) return self.behavior_log
[docs] @decorators.cache_results() def get_bouts(self, vigor_threshold=0.1): """Extract bouts above threshold. :param vigor_threshold: :return: """ # Make sure there's a vigor column: self.compute_vigor() bouts, _ = utilities.extract_segments_above_threshold( self.behavior_log["vigor"].values, vigor_threshold ) return bouts
[docs] @decorators.cache_results() def get_bout_properties( self, directionality_duration=0.07, use_polynomial_tailsum=False, ): """Create dataframe with summary of bouts properties. :param directionality_duration: Window defining initial part of the bout for the turning angle calculation, in seconds. :param use_polynomial_tailsum: If the polynomial tail sum is to be used instead of the raw one created by Stytra :return: a dataframe giving properties for each bout """ bout_init_window_pts = int(directionality_duration / self.behavior_dt) tail_sum = ( self.polynomial_tailsum() if use_polynomial_tailsum else self.behavior_log["tail_sum"].values ) vigor = self.compute_vigor( use_polynomial_tailsum=use_polynomial_tailsum ).values bouts = self.get_bouts() if bouts.shape[0] == 0: return pd.DataFrame( dict( t_start=[], duration=[], peak_vig=[], med_vig=[], bias=[], bias_total=[], n_pos_peaks=[], n_neg_peaks=[], ) ) peak_vig, med_vig, bias, bias_tot = bout_stats.bout_stats( vigor, tail_sum, bouts, bout_init_window_pts ) n_pos_peaks, n_neg_peaks = bout_stats.count_peaks_between( utilities.bandpass(tail_sum, self.behavior_dt), bouts[:, 0], bouts[:, 1], ) t_array = self.behavior_log["t"].values t_start, t_end = [t_array[bouts[:, i]] for i in range(2)] return pd.DataFrame( dict( t_start=t_start, duration=t_end - t_start, peak_vig=peak_vig, med_vig=med_vig, bias=bias, bias_total=bias_tot, n_pos_peaks=n_pos_peaks, n_neg_peaks=n_neg_peaks, ) )