Source code for bouter.decorators

import warnings
import functools
import inspect
from logging import info

import flammkuchen as fl
from numpy import VisibleDeprecationWarning

from bouter import descriptors

[docs]def get_method_default_kwargs(method): argnames, _, _, defaults, _, _, _ = inspect.getfullargspec(method) argnames.pop(argnames.index("self")) if len(argnames) > 0: return {n: v for n, v in zip(argnames, defaults)} else: return dict()
[docs]def cache_results(cache_filename=None): """ Method decorator that caches an .h5 file with the results of the decorated function. This behavior can be disabled with the exp.cache_active flag. Function results are loaded if the new call arguments match the old call, or if the exp.default_cached flag is set. :param method: :param cache_filename: if not None, the cached value is written to a target (e.g. a log) :return: """ def actual_decorator(wrapped): @functools.wraps(wrapped) def decorated_method(exp, force_recompute=False, **kwargs): # Combine default parameters and keyword specified arguments: no_new_paramters = len(kwargs) == 0 full_params_dict = get_method_default_kwargs(wrapped) full_params_dict.update(kwargs) # If we are in caching mode: if exp.cache_active: method_nm = wrapped.__name__ # name of the function # produce filename for the cache: if cache_filename is None: targetfile = ( exp.root / descriptors.CACHE_FILE_TEMPLATE.format( exp.session_id, method_nm ) ) else: targetfile = exp.root / exp._log_filename(cache_filename) # If we already produced outputs for the function, we used # the same parameters, and we don't force recalculation: if ( method_nm in exp.processing_params.keys() and ( full_params_dict == exp.processing_params[method_nm] or no_new_paramters ) and not force_recompute ): info(f"Using cached {method_nm} in {targetfile}") return fl.load(targetfile, "/data") # Apply the function we are decorating: results = wrapped(exp, **full_params_dict) # If we are in caching mode, store results if exp.cache_active:, dict(data=results)) exp.update_processing_params({method_nm: full_params_dict}) return results return decorated_method return actual_decorator
[docs]def deprecated(message=None): if message is None: message = "" def decorator(fn): @functools.wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "Function {0} is deprecated. {1}".format(fn.__name__, message), category=VisibleDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator