Source code for bouter.bout_stats

import numpy as np
from numba import jit

[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def bout_stats(vigor, tail_sum, bouts, wnd_turn_pts): """ Compute statistics of bouts from vigor trace, tail sum, and bouts indexes. """ peak_vig = np.full(bouts.shape[0], np.nan) med_vig = np.full(bouts.shape[0], np.nan) bias = np.full(bouts.shape[0], np.nan) bias_tot = np.full(bouts.shape[0], np.nan) for i in range(bouts.shape[0]): s = bouts[i, 0] e = bouts[i, 1] peak_vig[i] = np.nanmax(vigor[s:e]) med_vig[i] = np.nanmedian(vigor[s:e]) bias[i] = np.nanmean(tail_sum[s : s + wnd_turn_pts]) bias_tot[i] = np.nanmean(tail_sum[s:e]) return peak_vig, med_vig, bias, bias_tot
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def count_peaks_between(ts, start_indices, end_indices, min_peak_dist=5): pos_peaks = np.zeros(len(start_indices), dtype=np.uint8) neg_peaks = np.zeros(len(start_indices), dtype=np.uint8) for i_bout, (si, ei) in enumerate(zip(start_indices, end_indices)): i = si while i < ei - 1: if ts[i - 1] < ts[i] > ts[i + 1]: pos_peaks[i_bout] += 1 i += min_peak_dist elif ts[i - 1] > ts[i] < ts[i + 1]: neg_peaks[i_bout] += 1 i += min_peak_dist else: i += 1 return pos_peaks, neg_peaks